

My works in tapestry depict a very personal graphic view of the surrounding world. The historical precedent of mark making peculiar to tapestry is coupled with the tactile and intense flavor of modern yarns and colors. Selective memory, process and materials combine to form this imagery, which can only exist as textile. Crocheted three dimensional trims, quipus and found objects enhance the narrative visuals of many works, influenced by the textile forms and embellishments of the many ancient cultures I have explored.


Susan Martin Maffei is an internationally known tapestry artist whose background includes art studies at The Art Students League in New York City, tapestry training at Les Gobelins in Paris, apprenticeship and studio work at the Scheuer Tapestry Studio, New York City and conservation of antique textiles at Artweave Gallery, New York City. She has been weaving her work professionally since 1985. She has taught, lectured and exhibited in the U.S. and abroad and has work in both public and private collections.

Visit Susan’s Artist Page on the American Tapestry Alliance website.

Follow Susan on Instagram.

“View from 252,” 82” x 50,” woven tapestry.
Cotton warp; wool, linen, cotton & silk weft.
Tax day, 4/15/97, at NYC’s main post office, as viewed from artist’s residence,
252 West 31st Street.